• WHILE - a futher iteration method

The code below generates a list of random numbers between 1 to ten, until the number 7 is generated:

using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

Random random = new Random();
int current = 0;

    current =random.Next(1, 11);
} while (current !=7);

Hero Monster challenge

NB: the comments in the code that follows are a personal “aide memoire” and should not be viewed as canonical truths!

using System.Collections;
using System.Data;

int hero =10;                       //initialise the hero's starting healthscore
int monster =10;                    //initialise the monster's starting healthscore
Random dice = new Random ();        //set up a random dice throw

do//using a do statement in the outside loop ensures that the code runs at least once
int roll = dice.Next(1,11);         //this initates the first roll of the dice between 1-10
monster -=roll;                     //this deducts the value of the roll above from the monsters healthscore

Console.WriteLine($"Monster was damaged  and lost {roll} health and now has {monster} health,");

// this writes out that the monster lost the value of the dice roll and what the monsters healthscore now is

 if(monster >0) continue;           //if the monsters health is greater than zero the script continues

 roll =dice.Next(1, 11);            //if the sctript continues then a further dice roll is instigated
 hero -=roll;                       //this time the value of the dice is deducted from the hero's healthscore
 Console.WriteLine($"Hero was damaged  and lost {roll} health and now has {hero} health,");

 // this writes out that the hero lost the value of the dice roll and what the hero's healthscore now is
 } while (hero > 0 && monster >0);     //having initiated the constest the sequence continues as long as both the hero's and monster healthscores are greater than zero
 Console.WriteLine(hero > monster? "Hero Wins!" : "Monster Wins!");
 //once either healthscore reachers zero the final line printed declares the winner:the logic used is if the Hero's healthscore is
 //the greater the "Hero Wins!" is printed, otherwise "Monster Wins!" is the output.

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